Lens Shift

Lens Shift Calculator

Calculations provided assume projection onto flat projection screen applications.

Adjusting the projection lens beyond the stipulated image circle parameters will introduce vignetting artefacts within the projected image.

Lens Diameter: 25.4







The M.M value indicates the lens center in relation to the DMD center

Wide 0

T/R 0°

Tele 0

min 0.00

max 10.00

Distance: 5m

Width: 0m

Height: 0m

Left Horizontal Angle: 0

Right Horizontal Angle: 0

Top Vertical Angle: 0

Bottom Vertical Angle: 0


Specifications subject to change without any prior notice. Always check www.norxe.com for the latest information. Optical tolerances are +/-5%.

LanguageFirst appearedDesigned byParadigm
Python1991Guido van RossumMulti-paradigm
JavaScript1995Brendan EichMulti-paradigm
Java1995James GoslingMulti-paradigm
C++1985Bjarne StroustrupMulti-paradigm


CVE ReferencePublished (DD/MM/YYYY)Attack VectorRelated ProductsFixed Firmware
CVE-2024-3697110/06/2024LocalP10/P55Unify V2.3.0
CVE-2022-258608/01/2024LocalP10/P55Unify V2.3.0
CVE-2024-108631/01/2024LocalP10/P55Unify V2.2.5